Monday, 26 September 2016

MTPT Events

The MaternityTeacher PaternityTeacher Project really has gained momentum in these last few weeks, and with momentum comes events. I've tweeted about all of these, but wouldn't it be useful to have all the information about upcoming events all in one place? Well, your wish, MTPT community, is my command...

The WomenEd Unconference: 'Making the Most of Maternity Leave'

Please note: this is a ticketed event and is now sold out. However, if you have a ticket and are attending, here are all the details. If you don't have a ticket, please see below for ways to access the event remotely, or for other very similar forums, including other WomenEd events. 

Date: 8th October
Time: 10:30-11:15am

Blurb: this workshop will tell the story of The MTPT Project and outline its intentions. We'd really like to hear feedback from all interested parties - parent-teachers, SLT, CPD providers, future parent-teachers, whoever! - to support the development of the project.

Remote access: a very thoughtful man named Leon Cych has written an entire blog post dedicated to teaching me how to Live Stream. I'm on the hunt for equipment and will tweet the link if I get it up and running. If you haven't got tickets, please do still contribute to the discussion with the hashtag #MTPTproject and #WomenEd. The official MTPT Twitter handle is @maternityCPD. 

If I can't upskill in time, I will video the event and upload it somewhere convenient. 

Childcare: WomenEd are happy to provide childcare but have apparently not had any requests for it so you'll have to get in touch with them if you'd like some last-minute arrangements. They are very welcoming of families so don't hesitate at all about getting in touch. My 3 month old will be in a sling or a bouncer for the whole session so if you'd like to bring your children and any of their infrastructure, please do so. I am very excited at the prospect of a very loud and dribble-filled event!

Teach First London Conference 1: Discussion: Teaching, Parenting and CPD

These conferences are mostly attended by first and second year Teach First participants, but all the sessions are open to Teach First ambassadors and anyone working in a Teach First school so if this is you, come and take advantage of a whole day's worth of free CPD. As an ambassador, all you have to do is sign up to sessions on the community website. If you're not an ambassador, either use the Teach First channels in your school to get signed up, or get into contact with me ( 

The MTPT Project forum is open to anyone who's interested, whether you have affiliations with Teach First or not, but you'll have to let me know in advance so that I can create a guest list for fire safety and probably insurance reasons. Use the email address above, or the Twitter handle, @maternityCPD.  

Date: 24th October
Time: 3-4:30pm
Location: Lilian Baylis School, Vauxhall, London

Blurb: I'm anticipating a different audience for this event so the forum will repeat the structure of the WomenEd workshop.

Remote access: hopefully I will have figured out and organised equipment to live stream by this time, so will tweet the link.

Childcare: because the majority of Teach First's attendees at these conferences do not require childcare, it is not offered - something that might start to change as the ambassador community (quite literally) grows.  Again, my son will be with me during the workshop, so please feel free to bring your little ones and any equipment they might need.

Teach First London Conference 2

Date: 12th November
Time: 13:45-15:15
Location: Regent High School, Kings Cross, London

Blurb: this will be the first session focusing specifically on empowering and inspiring MaternityTeachers and PaternityTeachers, directing them towards the support that will help them to achieve their CPD goals.  If you are thinking of starting a family, if you or your partner is currently pregnant or on parental leave, then this workshop is aimed at you.  

We would still like to hear stories from former MaternityTeachers and PaternityTeachers and any input from SLT, CPD Providers and interested parties who have not been able to attend previous events.

Remote access and childcare as above.

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